So yeah, recently ive had a mix up with immigration of malaysia.. I overstayed 10 days.. hehe. Annyways, when i found out, i was in panic, so the following monday i terus went to the immigrations office cuz i read online that if you SURRENDER yourself, no not surrender that they take you to jail, surrender as in tell them that youre sorry and bla bla. So yeah, i went there, all panicky and shiet.. then the officer asked me to answer some questions and took statements, asking stuff like "did you know you overstayed", seriously.. if i know i overstay sure i already leave the country la.. pukidai.. and then more bla bla. After all that, they said they had to hold my passport for further INVESTIGATION.. and after a few days they will call me. Bah ok la.. then all settle i ciao lor, without my passport.. betul2 jadi macam pilak edi..
After a week or so.. i went back there, the fella say he tried to call me but always cannot call.. maderfaker.. my phone always On wan la.. then he told me GTFO... not in those words but i had 1 week to settle my flight out of the country.. and that i MUST return to my country of origin.. Japan. I then told the guy, "wei.. i dont have any relatives there la.. apalagi i never go back there.." he say "Sorry BRO, this is the law." Ngai diao....
So the fine for Compound - the number of overstayed days, came up to RM300. For each day that i overstayed it was RM30 a day, 10 days and on top of that i had to pay RM100 for a Special Pass which allowed me to stay in Malaysia for 7 more days to GTFO (get the fuck out).
Hope this post helps anyone of my Gai Jin friends residing in Malaysia next time youve overstayed. On another note, if you have kawan2 or jalan inside immigration, go to them 1st above all. dont panic like i did and terus surrender. Letting small potato handle your case betul2 bikin susah..

Heres my Compound reciept. I bet none of you have this.