a friend of mine asked me to illustrate something dark and despaired.. so here it is, thnx kenneth for the idea. i feel abit of the gloom right now, sigh, i need a drink.
nothing to do now, finished up the task provided. now waiting on updates and comments... was chatting with adamK and he told me he was really busy and ... overworked ? lol i made a quick, less-than-5-minute drawing for him to cheer him up. here to you adam. have a nice day.
this is a test post, i wanna just see how it looks, lol, im such a "village man". Sabah people live on trees, but our trees have elevators and ADSL. and if the world does flood over, we'd prolly have a higher rate of survival than most peeps.
made in japan, born in taiwan, raised in malaysia. true story.
please leave yo comments ~ thnx. muax. if you have any questions on how i do some of the works, feel free to ask mkay ? no need shy shy ~