Thursday, March 19, 2009

my head is going to go boom boom ~

just some random stuff put together and colored.
done in adobe illustrator.

my head is gonna pao zha ~ *boooom*

Sunday, March 15, 2009

i like the moon more than the sun.

i like the moon. its so nice to look at. the sun is EVIL, it burns your eyes in the morning, and it cheats ur feeling at night. cuz u dun get to do the normal stuff that u can do in the morning. damnit SUN !! whyd u have to be so important !! heheh. the moon on the other hand is... well.. like a fire extinguisher, we may never use it, but its good to know that its there. know what i mean ? lol.

i love pacman... well.. used to.

with all the tv and game violence goin on these days. i feel that this should be the new appropriate look for pacman now.
"NomNOMMMM !!! RAWRRR, get into ma belleh!!"

woofing wilderbeast

its a wilderbeast looking thinggi.. and it woofs.

woof woof says the wilderbeast.

my football club, my religion.

Liverpool Football Club (LFC)

today, watched football, one of the many things that bring me joy. watching liverpool perform outstandingly up against, well.. some might say 'the best club' in the world, but i say NAY ! as i watched us scousers trash the every so helpless Manchester United, i felt exstacy. nothing is better than watching ur favourite club, with your fellow Liverpooooolians ~ ah. what a fantastic performance it was. 4-1 was the end score. 4 to 1, on top of that, Liverpool was playing at Old Trafford home of the mighty MU. in the end, the better team won, and thats why i love the LFC.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


by looking at this image u hath releasethded the hantu from the teddy bear.
now.. its gonna eat your face. hehehe

rawrrrrrr... the hantu coming to eat your face, chyahhhh ! ~ run run!! ~

Monday, March 9, 2009

more sketches, because i can.

draw draw draw, i like to draw. hahah. still need more practice.

wataaaaawwwww !! ~


one of the many designs for an up and coming t-shirt print.enjoy.

Monday, March 2, 2009

just a little video i did some time ago.

just a little video for wacom i did last time for some class project, lawls.

poster yo ~

a simple poster done in sem...4 or 5 lol, i forgot.
