Sunday, May 31, 2009


sometimes i feel like this.

u know that feeling ? when u come home to an empty house, yeah, that feeling. on a bad day it could break a person. just stay positive y'all. part 2 coming up next.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

the rat race.

this is not my cup of tea. i will fight for my creative freedom. id rather be broke and humble, than live unhappy for money... but then again the world needs people like this, and to u guys who do this, thank you. its because of people like u, i can live the way i do. please just dont overwork k ? its no use earning money if ure just gonna spend it on ur health in the end.


just experimenting around with some dot pixel art. why flashbang'd ? ermmm... try click the image and look up close. its bery frashy ~ happy blinding ~

Monday, May 25, 2009

take flight

ok. ermm.. just a random doodle turned into an artwork i spose. doesnt really mean much, nothing deep. just pictured it in my head and then executed it. lol.

the gloom

so yeah, this is one of those 'im-so-bored-i-gotta-color-something' works ~ hardest part was picking the color palette. stuck with tones of purple and then, the name just automatically pop'd in ~ enjoy

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

leaflet design

heres 4 leaflet layouts i did for my client 'Styling Paragon' had fun doing this 1. no idea why.. lol its a styling school.. or beauty school, yeah, one of those. so yeah if u guys wanna learn to beautify people (not that anyone needs to be beautified,imo) u should check it out.

4 courses, 4 color themes. done with photoshop and illustrator, a5 size.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

cs tourney poster

heres a little poster i did for a friend, for an upcoming cs tourney. if ure in kk, remember to join k ? manatau can win ! hahah.

join up guys, keep cs alive in kk. much love.