Saturday, November 13, 2010

500 LED Flashlight ~ i want one !

I MUST HAVE ONE ! ~ terus macam pagi ohhh ~

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Endless led mirror, gotta try it.

gotta try this, need to find hardware store now.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Deeper learning

Saxophone, just the sound of a perfectly played tune can brighten anyone's mood, or sadden, depending on the feeling. I picked up the saxophone recently and its been awesome. Paying more attention to jazz and blues, damn siok ~
gotta learn them keys.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

This is the future ~


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Onitsuka Tigers, yay ~

Today bought my first pair of Onitsuka Tigers. hoooooray ~ these shoes are just awesome. Bought them here in Taiwan, which was sooo frawrking cheap, i only had to pay like NT1,000, which is RM100. hahah yeah, cuz no.1 it was on sale, and no.2 i had relatives who had like ... Mall Coupons, which could be used in any outlet in the entire mall. Original price was.. NT3,000 which is still pretty cheap. Gotta love shopping in Taiwan.

Onitsuka Tigers be blazin'

Friday, June 4, 2010

I bet youve never been.. DEPORTED!

So yeah, recently ive had a mix up with immigration of malaysia.. I overstayed 10 days.. hehe. Annyways, when i found out, i was in panic, so the following monday i terus went to the immigrations office cuz i read online that if you SURRENDER yourself, no not surrender that they take you to jail, surrender as in tell them that youre sorry and bla bla. So yeah, i went there, all panicky and shiet.. then the officer asked me to answer some questions and took statements, asking stuff like "did you know you overstayed", seriously.. if i know i overstay sure i already leave the country la.. pukidai.. and then more bla bla. After all that, they said they had to hold my passport for further INVESTIGATION.. and after a few days they will call me. Bah ok la.. then all settle i ciao lor, without my passport.. betul2 jadi macam pilak edi..

After a week or so.. i went back there, the fella say he tried to call me but always cannot call.. maderfaker.. my phone always On wan la.. then he told me GTFO... not in those words but i had 1 week to settle my flight out of the country.. and that i MUST return to my country of origin.. Japan. I then told the guy, "wei.. i dont have any relatives there la.. apalagi i never go back there.." he say "Sorry BRO, this is the law." Ngai diao....

So the fine for Compound - the number of overstayed days, came up to RM300. For each day that i overstayed it was RM30 a day, 10 days and on top of that i had to pay RM100 for a Special Pass which allowed me to stay in Malaysia for 7 more days to GTFO (get the fuck out).

Hope this post helps anyone of my Gai Jin friends residing in Malaysia next time youve overstayed. On another note, if you have kawan2 or jalan inside immigration, go to them 1st above all. dont panic like i did and terus surrender. Letting small potato handle your case betul2 bikin susah..

Heres my Compound reciept. I bet none of you have this.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Long time no blog, Haloo ~

yo yo ~ been absent from this blog for so long.. almost forgot how to do this already. anyways, many things have happened and are happening. this absence, i believe, is due to my over-workingness ~ hahah, and is the starting piece of this entire different story, like the starting piece on perfectly lined up dominoes. anyways, long story short, being overworked i forgot about my passport/visa which eventually led to.. DEPORTATION ~ thats right, i got kicked out of malaysia and i must return to my country of origin.. Japan.. rawr.. expensive king.. so now im here, in Taiwan at the moment, catching a flight to Japan from here cuz its cheaperr... and im bored here. so thats why i decided to write a lil.. ill post some pics on taiwan and japan real soon.
Heres me, enjoying a bowl of Taiwan's Beef Noodle (nyou-rou-mien).

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

doodle wid dem effekz ~

yo check out this site, awesomeness shiet ~ doodle with some really cool effects ~ just another site to waste/kill some time. i dunno, i just love to draw, on any medium ~ checkkk it outt ~

heres an example ~

purty init ?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010

so yeah, clearing out some old bookmarks i came across this really.. unusual but out of this world funny website that i bookmarked a while back. the dude for this site is the guy who builds the site, comes up with the jokes and illustrates them all by himself. The Oatmeal. fucking funny, check it out

hahah, heres just a few of the title of comics, check it out ~

Friday, February 12, 2010

doodle fun - shnake

just a quick doodle and painting practice. done with photoshop cs4.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

You Are A...

haha, guys, check this out.. if and when you are really bored ~ the things i get, hahah, this site is really a day-maker.

heres just a couple of examples that i got. hahah. enjoys.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Graffiti Analysis

holy shiznit, checks this out !

Graffiti Analysis 2.0: Digital Blackbook from Evan Roth on Vimeo.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

hahah, makes my day

heres a lil picture i found on the web "" if you dont already know this website, i recommend that you go and check it out NOW hahaha. pictures there really help me start my day ~ heres one of my favourites of all time, and its too good not to share it. hahahah *wipes tears from eyes*

hahah, prozac, hahah

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

art for friend - pug

heres a lil something i did for (ap zai) my fren, a pug.. yes.. a pug, yuck, but i wanted to do it cuz it was a challenge ( illustrating something i dont like ) so yeah, done in illustrator within 30mins++

Ugly Dog hahaha ~ the face looks similar to the brain bug from Starship Troopers. enjoy !

wallpaper fun (bull terrier)

heres a lil something after getting inspiration from wikipedia after reading about it. dogs. yes, dogs ~ was reading about the most dangerous dogs in the world. no.1 is surely the pitbull ~ and the others are like.. meh ~

my personal favourite breed is the Bull Terrier, so i decided to make a desktop wallpaper thinggi. Done with illustrator and photoshop, 20-30 minutes.

heres the link to a lil more reading ~

if you like the image, just right click and save image as. or if u have an idea or would like me to create something for you, please write me and i will try and illustrate for you
enjoys ! Love The Bull !

Monday, January 4, 2010

Communication These Days

Its pretty obvious where all your greetings are coming from these days, yes, facebook ~ eventhough there are some people who still prefer it old school. like me. hahaha.

but wasnt really that hyped up this year on sending greetings, cuz everyone will forget who sent what the next day haha. so this year i just replied to those who were kind enough to send me one. =)click for bigger view

hahah, the cheaper alternative, and also 1 that gets there in time without getting fucked by the jammed up service provider. at least its a reduction of those useless crap sms greetings that comes with alot of * and # and ~ u know ? those picture sms's that people who are stuck at home during the celebrations do.